This panel combines perspectives on Art, Society, & Technology. In particular, it focuses on artistic perspectives on algorithmic accountability. The panel starts with an overview of how the Arts play an essential role in intervening in critical social issues, such as labor politics, privacy, and education. The panel will then draw our attention to a specific case scenario, i.e., urban algorithmic accountability. We will learn about the digitization of cities and how municipal data professionals can give testimony of algorithmic-based decisions that affect citizens. The panel closes with some artistic perspectives on transparency and the role that education plays in stressing the importance of being accountable in an increasingly algorithmic society. The panel discussion will be divided into three clusters: (1) the Interplay of Art, Society and Technology, (2) Algorithmic Accountability and Art, and (3) Art, Education, and Responsibility.
• The Interplay of Art, Society and Technology
• Algorithmic Accountability and Art
• Art, Education, and Responsibility
Moderator: Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Leiden University (NL)
Speakers: Peter Booth, BI Norwegian Business School (NO); Lucas Evers, WAAG Foundation (NL); Fiona McDermott, University of Dublin (IE); Piera Riccio, Oslo Metropolitan University (NO), MetaLAB at Harvard (US); Vincent Rioux, National Superior School of Fine Arts (FR)